The Aurora collection of Wine Glasses are exclusively painted by Nelson Perez of Vodkabacon Studios for Oasis. The collection is ever growing and can be personalized . The works of master carousel carver Arthur Ritchie, of Carousel Works Inc are featured in whimsical acrylic paintings by Nelson Perez of Vodkabacon Studios, a master of 3D paintings.
The Aurora collection of Wine Glasses are exclusively painted for Oasis in St Petersburg, Florida. A limited edition of glasses adorned with this intiricate concept of art will liven up any setting, whether its a casual or formal lunch, dinner or party, you enter the whimsical world of the carousel as you sip your wine and wear the 3D glasses breathing life into your character.
All of the characters featured in the paintings are actual carousels that are hand carved and installed at various theme parks, zoos, cruise ships, who knows, maybe a carousel that you rode on!
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